Many of our procedures are focused more on those active and established in the evaluation process. I believe we can do better by aiming to serve the entire community, which will profit all of us.
Resist Schoolyard Peer Pressure
Only because other conferences are doing it, you don’t have to – the benefit to your conference and its community…
Paper length
I believe paper length restriction are a historic artefact, needed to keep printing and shipping of proceedings low. It can…
Best paper – Outstanding papers
Highlighting achievements is a good thing. The conference can signal which papers is considers very good, authors can take deserved…
Community friendly timing
Conference timing can have impact on time with families, quality of life, etc. At ECRTS, Sophie Quinton brought in changes…
Edward Lee – “The Toxic Culture of Rejection in Computer Science”
Edward Lee posted on the Sigbed Blog “The Toxic Culture of Rejection in Computer Science” on negativity in CS conference…
Open Access
A goal of research is to ultimately to benefit society with research results available to the public. The conference work…