TPC chairs hold major responsibility for the conference. The position requires technical knowledge, organizational and human skills. TPCs have their own dynamics which often tend to go too negative. (“Job of the TPC chair is to fight for acceptance of paper against the TCP”. “A TPC, without TPC chair force applied to it, can reject any paper”.) A few observations and hints. TPCs
Support junior TPC members
Being on a TPC for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. So many new things to process, while…
TPC Chair: Preparation is everything, monitor processes, stay on top of things
The evaluation process of conferences can be tricky and complex, quickly overwhelming if things go wrong (and some will). My…
Selection of TPC chair
… is one of the most important decisions for that year of the conference, and beyond that. Criteria should include:
TPC composition
TPC composition is one of the most important aspects impacting overall conference quality. The TPC should have expertise to assess…
TPC purpose, basic operation
The goal of the technical program committee is the selection of papers based on their technical merit and suitability for…